Product Spotlight: Karmaffins by U-Be-Livin-Smart

I wanted to write my first ever product spotlight for you all today, as I have a secret to healthy snacking that I just had to share. These little muffins are something that I believe I first discovered while on a trip to Choice’s Market, a super cool local healthy grocery store that’s kind of like a Canadian Trader Joe’s. What I love about this store is that they always seem to have some taste-testing going on, which is amazing for people like me who love trying out new healthy foods without having to fully commit to buying them yet. I can seriously tell you that on the first bite of the Chocolate Banana flavor, I was sold – and so my love for these nutrient dense little muffins began. Since not everyone has a Choices Market near by to let them sample these muffins, I wanted to mention them in a quick blog post so that if you guys were to ever see them in a store, you’d know just how great they are and be able to try out their deliciousness!

Just why do I love these so much? Let me count the ways 😉


1. They’re nutrient dense.

This is the basis upon which the brand promotes their muffins, and it’s the main selling point for me. Nutrient dense means that these muffins are only filled with good ingredients that actually benefit your body! There’s no empty carbohydrates, sugars, or calories. To put it simply, you get a lot of bang for your nutrient buck.  These guys are made with only the pure stuff that can benefit your body and have you living joyously. The amount of nutrients per calorie in these muffins allows them to be labelled this, and it means that your cells will actually benefit from the ingredients used to make these muffins. For a more in-depth break down you can look on their website here. They actually break down the nutrient profile in these muffins very similarly to how people following IIFYM do, using the science of nutrition and how each macronutrient (carbohydrates, fats, proteins) aid your body and it’s functions. The calories do mainly come from carbohydrates, but remember that we need carbs for energy, and the ones found in these muffins come from the purest of sources. Also, they contain a great amount of protein, making the carb-to-protein perfect for a post-workout snack, with added fiber to keep you full until your next meal.


2. The ingredients are spot on.

With so much talk of ingredients, you’re probably wondering just what these guys are made of, right? Well I’m sure you won’t be disappointed – they’re as follows (for my favourite flavor, the Belgian Chocolate Banana):

  • Sweet Potato
  • Avocado
  • Egg Whites
  • Banana
  • Dates
  • Whey Protein Isolate
  • Orange
  • Apple
  • Blackberry, Cranberry, Blueberry, Pomegranate
  • Unsweetened Chocolate
  • Honey
  • Chia Seeds
  • Coconut
  • Natural Flavor
  • Baking Soda
  • Cocoa Powder

Okay, that’s a bit of a mouth-full (literally, haha!) but even though there’s a few ingredients in them, they are all either 100% natural and unprocessed, or very minimally processed by humans. Plus, notice some superfoods in there? Chia Seeds, Sweet Potato, Avocado, and Berries are all some seriously amazing foods to incorporate into your diet, and you can find them, plus a handful of other equally amazing ones right in these muffins! The berries have amazing antioxidant properties which means that they protect your body from the free-radicals (cancer causing agents) that we pick up from our environment. Chia seeds are one of my favourite things to eat, and I’ve mentioned their benefits previously on my blog (Omega 3’s, fibre, etc.). Sweet Potato is an amazing source of beta-carotene which aids your eyes (and much more), and Avocado is a great source of oleic acid which reduces inflammation, and that’s only one of its superpowers.



3. They’re delicious!

Now, I want to first disclose that this statement is coming from my perspective, and I’ve been known to label some pretty peculiar health-foods tasty whereas the general public (or my family) disagrees. But, what I find to be very convincing about the flavor profile of these muffins is that they please me, my Mum and my little sister, and that is saying something! If they satisfy my forgiving taste buds, but also my more picky younger sister, that means that they are pretty darn yummy! To someone who is new to healthy foods, these muffins might come as a shock because they are far from the texture and sweetness of your typical store-bought cake, but to someone who may already be accustomed to a healthier, less processed palate, these guys are spot on! We usually defrost them over night, and by the morning they are moist and spongy, which I enjoy. The flavors aren’t overpowering, but you can definitely tell that they are there, and it’s quite pleasing! The added sweetness from the dates is subtle and I think that it compliments the muffin perfectly, making it a nice treat to have as an afternoon pick-me-up, or with some yogurt and nuts (I personally like nut butter with this flavor) for breakfast. Truthfully speaking, it does not replace your traditional flour, oil and sugar based muffin, but I believe that Karmaffins have a great stance in the health food world as a convenient alternative that tastes almost guilty but is far from it.



Overall, I would recommend these muffins simply because of just how good they are for you, and also how convenient and portable they are. If you’re someone who is always on the run and finds it hard to choose healthy foods because of a time crunch, these muffins would be perfect for you. You can buy them in bulk when they’re on sale, and keep them in the freezer until you need them, and then simply defrost them in a covered container overnight! Even online, they’re pretty cost-effective, working out to $6 for a package of 4, making that $1.50 a muffin, the usual price of their less-healthy counterparts found someplace like McDonald’s. I can seriously go through a package of these in a week, and I’ve even brought them on road trips because of how easy they are to slip into your bag and take out when hunger hits you. They’re perfect any time of the day, and I’ve eaten them in a ton of different ways, showing just how versatile they are (dessert, breakfast, and post-workout). They’re also just small enough that they can be fed to the little ones; a perfect treat! I really do hope that reading this post has inspired you to visit the Karmaffin website here, and order them online (and also check out their other products). Or if you’ve already seen them in your local grocery store, I hope it prompts you to pick them up! Happy eating!


Wishing you above all Health & Happiness

– Miranda xo

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